Thursday, May 9, 2019

The Incarnation and the cross Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

The incarnation and the cross - Term Paper Example4 In trying to address the question Who do you say that I am? the investigateer draws from various scholarly discussions pertinent to the subject matter of the research and from there try to understand the prosopopoeia and the Cross as the way to answer the question. However, as the Incarnation and the Cross apply been discussed since the inception of Christianity, which have resulted into voluminous works on these mysteries, the research limits its attention on the discourse of the Incarnation and the Cross from the articulations of the anawim of the contemporary period - women and racial groups who have been relegated in the periphery of faith. Their voices depart be the main sources of answer to the primordial question of the research Who do you say that I am? The research leave alone be having the following structure. The first part is the introduction wherein the focal ideas and question of the hit the books is presented. It emphasizes the centrality of the Incarnation and the Cross from the perspective of the marginalized people are given the arena to respond to the question the employment leave attempt to address, Who do you say that I am? The south section of the study will deal with the issue of who is Jesus? This is significant, as it will try to show the historical Jesus tete-a-tete the construction of who he is among the Christians will be given consideration. This is essential as who is Jesus is a continue that afflicts Christians and non-Christians alike as they try to understand the life and messages of Jesus in their lives in the midst of the rapid changes of the globalize world. This section will be having two subsections. The first subsection will be dealing with the experiences of black women as they try to take re-look at the Incarnation and the Cross from the lens of their oppression and segregation. The second subsection will tackle the discourse of feminist theology within th e context of communities that offer alternating(a) elucidations to the theological explanations offered by the West to Jesus question Who do you say that I am? The third gear part will present the analysis of the researcher on the issue. Finally, at the end of the study, the conclusion will be presented. It is the hope of the researcher that the end of this paper, the Incarnation and the Cross may bring us encompassing(prenominal) to the image of God and to believe that goodness can and will triumph over evil. Despite the system, patronage the magnitude, complexity and apparent insolubility of our problems today, humanity can be and in the end will be, liberated.suffering, fear, misery, injustice can be overcome. And the only advocate that can achieve this the power of goodness and truth, the power of God.5 2.0. Who do you say that I am? Jesus question Who do say that I am? is an invitation for all Christians to continue looking into our experience of Jesus in the midst of the existentialist angst and monomania that continue to plague the human condition.6 The Christian faith is the story of the triune God who creates the world, sustains it and since the beginning have continuously sought he means to be in constant relation with it.7 God has continually initiated the relationship between himself and

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