Monday, May 13, 2019

Drug Exposed Infants Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Drug Exposed Infants - Essay ExampleMothers should be prevented, through education, from using medicines while pregnant.As a result of the illicit drug use, the children require penetrative monitoring by their pediatrician. Women who use cocaine while pregnant -- especially those who ar likely to derive noticed as addicts or be tested for drugs in the hospital -- tend also to tope more booze, smoke more cig arttes, and dip into a greater variety of illicit drugs than other women. cocaine is not truly associated with any pattern of defects. Nor does it produce infantile withdrawal, like opiates. Today there is something approach shot scientific consensus that cocaine increases the risk of low birth weight and perhaps premature delivery. Left unmonitored and untreated, the babies, as shown by studies have long term developmental delays.This article explains to any reader that there are serious ramifications with illicit drug ingestion during pregnancy. Moreover, it explains that the child is severely damaged and begins life at a tremendous disadvantage. It explains the mental, social, educational, physical and legal implications of this behavior on the child. It is important for doctors and their employees to learn about in utero drug use from a suspected mother because the babies need treatment. The key is to question them in a mood that is non threatening and non judgmental. The mothers will already feel guilt or fear about legal consequences. Toxicology test alone will not provide all of the information needed. Above all, pediatricians must be up to(p) to identify babies that have been exposed to neo natal drug use.3.) What are the ramifications if the problem is not address If the problem is not addressed, there will be an outbreak of drug addicted babies. Some of the defects these babies wound remain undiscovered. The failure to teach the mothers the dangers of drug use to their babies is sure to create repeat behavior. Moreover, there is a strong likelihood of the children being exposed to physical, emotional and sexual abuse. This is a pattern that will pass over to repeat itself. Forced intervention, according to the academy will not work. Mothers will not seek help for themselves or their babies if there is the threat of jail. The academy feels that the only(prenominal) intervention that will be effective is education.5) What are the tangible benefits of resolving the problem The tangible benefits of course, are healthy mothers and children. The educated parents can not only help their babies, but teach them the importance of maintaining a drug free life. In short, a decreed cycle is created instead of the negative one discussed in the article. There will not be an deluge in an already taxed foster care system. There will not be criminal charges, and time interval of mothers and their children which is often the result of Child Protective Services Interventions, without the needed support. 4) Describe and evaluate an y solutions provided in the article. The article mentioned several ways to educate mothers suspected of taking illicit drugs. The article encourages pediatric employees to present a social work approach in informing the community about the dangers of

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