Saturday, May 4, 2019

Political Science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 7

Political Science - Essay interpreterThey are applied equally to all humans without discrimination and hence they are universal in nature and represent a common standard of achievement for all people and nations.When we talk of soul having a dear or it is their right, reference is made to human rights. Rights therefore entail entitlement to something and an indebtedness for someone else to provide it. Governments are obligated with the duty of promoting and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms. If the right is threaten or denied, a person can make special claim on moral, political and accessible ground. Rights are thus a field of rule governed interactions centered on and under control of right holder (Donnelly, 8). Right holders are therefore not passive beneficiaries of their rights but are actively in control of them. Some rights apply to particular groups of people in order to achieve full humanity such the rights of women, children, disabled and the marginaliz ed but should not contradict with other human rights. Human rights are found on an agreed convention such as universal declaration of human rights which governs claims of human rights and has been approved by nations to guide their laws and internationalistic law.Human rights have become an important feature of contemporary international politics in recent years. Before the Second World War, human rights were a domestic affair. distributively nation exercised these rights as it deemed necessary and states were sovereign. No states or international community was allowed to interfere with internal affairs of another nation. During the war, many atrocities were committed against people which made the protection of human rights an international priority (Viotti & Kauppi, 286). Women, children, Jews and homosexuals were kill by Nazi government. The international community intervened and those responsible were charged for crimes against humanity. Human rights issues were discussed at UN meetings and

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