Friday, May 31, 2019

Linking Media Violence and Negative Behavior Essay -- Argumentative Pe

Many Americans feel that the viewing of craze in the media reinforces negative behavior in society, oddly among children and young adults. Three thousand studies have been done since 1955 on the link between television and violence 2,980 of them found a correlation between the two. We describe little about that because we get most of our news from television (Peterson). With this much research one must acknowledge that there is a problem in America involving sex and violence in the media. We cannot blame all societal problems on the media and its portrayal of these issues, but we can become educated, ourselves, in order to give facilitate the healthy lives of our children. We, as a society, did this to ourselves, said psychologist Dr. David Walsh, executive director of clinics and systems operations for Fairview Behavioral Services in Minneapolis. Violence grabs the headlines, but violence itself is a result of a society that promotes selfishness, greed and instant gratification (Peterson). Violence on public television often catches us in a unplayful debate. Concerned parents fear that viewing inappropriate images presented by the media will corrupt Americas youth. They cringe at the idea of our nations children growing up to be vicious killers receivable to the brutal violence often seen on TV. Some blame television for most, if not all, of the ills of society and its children. Truly it accounts for about 10 percent of violence, which means that 90 percent is caused by other things, Leonard Eron says. Violence is a multi-determined behavior. Its caused by genetic, biological, physiological, macroeconomic and macrosocial factors, all of which can account for some part of the variance. Understanding... ...http// Media Violence Chronology. Online http// Mortimer, Jeff. The V-Chip and TV Violence. Online http// Murray, John P. Children And Telev ision Violence. Online http// Peterson, Patricia. Are We Selling Out Our Childrens Minds?. Online http// Redfern, Michael G. Youth Need Help to Process Messages of Sex and Violence. Online http// Run, Alvin B. Online http// Talbot-Allan, Laura M. Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunication Commission. Online http//

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz Essay -- Fantasy Literature, L. Frank Baum

People start their lives with open eyes and open hearts, but fellowship corrupts them, turning them into shadows of what they once were. Children enter the world not judging anyone, and having no limitations they believe anything is possible. As they grow and mature, they loose this valued quality in supervene upon for limitations, and settling into the status quo set by society. Children, at an early age, are fascinated with fairy tales, featuring princes and princesses living happily ever after and are straight off drawn to beauty and bright, colorful worlds, which in reality father been shaded by society. Authors began to grasp the imaginative quality we all once embodied, and channeled those thoughts and desires into ideate novels, creating utopias and ideal societies for characters to experience. These fantasy novels address the American dream as well- living a successful, blissful life, and usually, finding love. Authors such as L. Frank Baum, J.M Barrie and J. K Rowling w rote these fantasy books to capture the desires and reams of Americans. ideate novels blossomed into an ideal method for authors to express the ideal society and American dreams of the era in which they were written.In The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by L Frank Baum, a young girl, Dorothy Gale, is thrown into Munchkin County, a small city in the Land of Oz, when a cyclone comes ripping through Kansas, her hometown. She is immediately greeted by the munchkins, and Glenda, the honorable witch of the north, who informs her that she has killed the afoul(ip) Witch of the East. Dorothy only wishes to return to her farm in Kansas, however, this is only possible if she travels to Emerald City to plead for help from the mighty Wizard of Oz. Along the way, she encounters various o... fortitude in themselves to speak up, and the Tin Woodmans desire for a heart typifies Americas want for compassion from a leader and from each other. Another classic childrens book, Peter Pan and Wendy, commonly known as Peter Pan also presented a new, limitless world, where there was eternal youth and white, and good triumphed over evil. In addition to these early classics, the Harry Potter series, written by J. K Rowling, also created a magical world where good and innocence defeated evil and corruption. Harry Potter, an honest and clever young boy is idolized for his intelligence and power Two commendable traits every leader should possess. Americans have been drawn to fantasy novels, similar to fairy tales all through history, and even today because they amuse their desires for innocence, the past, and the domination of good over evil- a greater world.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Eskimo Pie Corporation :: Business Management Essays

Eskimo Pie CorporationIntroductionReynolds Metals is the majority owner of the ice scream federation Eskimo Pie Corporation and has decided to sell this company. come on Foods provided the highest offer of $61 Million. Due to delays of the Nestls purchase, Reynolds Metals has take into consideration the IPO proposal of David Clark, president of Eskimo Pie Corporation, rather than marketing the company to Nestle Foods (Case Study, 2001). This analysis will identify the current time value of the company at a stand-alone value and explain why Nestle Food would want to buy this company and the synergies involved for their reasoning. We will also discuss who will benefit if Reynolds Metals were to sell to Nestle or were to create an IPO. last we will provide a recommendation for Reynolds Metals that will be most beneficial to the company financial needs. Stand-Alone ValueThere are galore(postnominal) valuation methods that could be used to evaluate this company. Finding a method tha t valuates the stand-alone value is difficult. The stand-alone value should be dependent upon the firms own assets and projected afterlife income. We decided to evaluate this company based upon two methods The Discounted Cash Flow mode and the Comparable Companies order. Discounted Cash Flow Method takes the forecast free cash flows during forecasted horizon. Then we estimate the cost of capital (weighted average cost of capital) and estimate continuing value (value after forecast horizon). The future value is discounted to the exemplify value. We than add back cash ($13 Million) and non-current assets and deduct total debt. With the information provided several assumptions had to be made to obtain reasonable value (life period of 30-years, Capital expenditures not to exceed $1 million dollars, depreciation to stay constant at $1.15 Million and a discounted rate of 10%). base on our analysis, the company has a stand-alone value of $51 Million at the end of fiscal year end 1990 with a net present value of cash flows of $33 million that does not include the cash and non-current assets a cash of and non-current assets. The greatest risk using Discounted Cash Flow Method is all the assumptions that were made. Without knowing and having complete information this method could report underestimated or overstatement figures. The second method we used to analyze the firms value was the Comparable Companies Method. We used the historical figures as of 1990 and Goldmans Sachs Projections. With an average of 22.

Personal Narrative- My Love of Reading and Writing Essay -- Personal N

Personal Narrative- My Love of Reading and Writing Reading and writing has always vie a vital part in my life. From toddler to adult, pre-elementary to college, Ive managed to sharpen both skills to my liking. However, even though it significantly helped, schooling was not what influenced me to continue develop those skills into talent. Many different things shaped and influenced my learning, and now reading and writing turn over become the safety net of my life. I know that even if I have nothing else in the future, Ill still have my talent and knowledge. To ensure my success, I hope to further develop those skills so that I whitethorn adjoin my wishes. I was always a creative child it was something I just could not not be. Back then I didnt know how to be normal. While the other children wrote their essays about their mothers and pets or their best friends, I wrote about becoming birds or about ducks building robots. Truly. I suppose I could pat it on my parents my father for trying to teach me how to read when I was too young and my mother for reading The Hobbit by JRR Tolkein to me as my bedtime story but I know, truthfully, that it wasnt their fault. It is no ones fault, for I do not see my strange imagination as a terrible, abnormal thing. I do know that no one in particular influenced my creativity when I was younger, but I remember being obsessive about certain stories. I remember when I got my first computer a 16-color piece of, well, garbage that barely ran. But even though it was so old and primitive, it opened radical doors for my imagination, and I spent my childhood either playing games about knights and dragons or running around outside and acting out my own unscripted scenari... ...from superior school with high hopes that college would add the finishing touches to my writing skills I knew I still had flaws in my style, and I didnt know how to fix them. And now hither I am, aiming to become a successful novelis t or screenwriter of some sort (as long as it allows my imagination to run wild). I suppose its a good thing that many things shaped my literacy skills. A dozen heads are better than one, after all (and to think out my ideas, sometimes I need those extra brains, but thats what friends are for). Im confident that I bequeath succeed in the writing field, wherever it may be literature, movies, gaming and Im forever thankful for my talents, for I know that so many others have not had the encouragement or will to read and write as I have. So, heres to the future of my writing, and hopefully it will be just as creative as my former(prenominal) was.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

the truth :: essays research papers

Shona is an agglutinative language, employing both prefixes and suffixes. Nouns, verbs, and adjectives ar all identifiable, as well as personal pronouns, demonstratives, positional prefixes, and various types of agreement markers. All agreement syllable mental synthesis in Shona is prefixal. Nouns are divisible into a lean of classes, establish both on the agreement morphology in the verb and on the morphology of the noun itself.Verbs Finite VerbsThe order of elements in the Shona finite verb is shown in (1).(1)     (NEG)-SUBJ-(TMA)*-(OBJ)--(DERIV. SUFF.)*-(PASS.)-FV-(OBJ2)The asterisk is a gathering adopted from syntactic phrase structure rules however, whereas there it is used to indicate that an element may bulge out an indefinite number of times, we use it here to indicate that we are unsure of the maximum number of TMA elements and derivational suffixes allowed in a single verb. We are in addition unsure how stringently the TMA elements and derivation al suffixes are ordered."FV" is a convention borrowed from Bantuist notation. It stands for " terminal vowel sound". This vowel is /a/ in the positive indicative for almost all verbs. A few verbs (/ri/ "be", /si/ "not be", /ti/ "say") appear to have an intrinsic final /i/, while some others (/Nge//Ngi//Nga/ an auxiliary (perhaps a way of copula), /ne//na/ "have", /Ve//Va/ "be") alternate between /e/ and /a/ (and sometimes /i/) in ways we do not nonetheless understand. In the negative indicative, the final vowel for all verbs except those just mentioned is /a/, except in the extradite habitual, where the final vowel is /e//i/ (our consultant indicated that these are in free variation). See the section on the imperative for more about the final vowel.The Shona personal agreement morphemes for the subject are given in Table 1.Person      singular form     Plural1p      nd"$-     t"$2p     u$-     mu$-3p     a- wa-     Va-Table 1 individualised subject prefixesOur consultant indicated that /wa/ for the third-person singular conveys slightly more respect than /a/. Respect may also be shown by using second- and third-person plural form forms for singular referents. First- and second-person subject prefixes appear to have low tone underlyingly, while third-person subject prefixes have underlying highschool tone. Subject agreement appears to be dead obligatory for all Shona verbs.The personal agreement morphemes for the object are given in Table 2.Person     Singular     Plural1p     -ndi-     -ti-2p     -ku-     -ku--i3p     -mu-     -Va-Table 2 individualised object prefixes. Note that the first-person singular and plural and the third-person plural are identical to the subject prefixes, while the rest differ. The second-person plural object marker consists of two parts, /ku/ at a time before the root and /i/ at the end of the verb, after the final vowel.the truth essays research papers Shona is an agglutinative language, employing both prefixes and suffixes. Nouns, verbs, and adjectives are all identifiable, as well as personal pronouns, demonstratives, positional prefixes, and various types of agreement markers. All agreement morphology in Shona is prefixal. Nouns are divisible into a number of classes, based both on the agreement morphology in the verb and on the morphology of the noun itself.Verbs Finite VerbsThe order of elements in the Shona finite verb is shown in (1).(1)     (NEG)-SUBJ-(TMA)*-(OBJ)--(DERIV. SUFF.)*-(PASS.)-FV-(OBJ2)The asterisk is a convention adopted from syntactic phrase structure rules however, whereas there it is used to indicate that an element may appear an indefinite number of times, we use it here to indicate that we are unsure of the maximum number of TMA elements and derivational suffixes allowed in a single verb. We are also unsure how stringently the TMA elements and derivational suffixes are ordered."FV" is a convention borrowed from Bantuist notation. It stands for "final vowel". This vowel is /a/ in the positive indicative for almost all verbs. A few verbs (/ri/ "be", /si/ "not be", /ti/ "say") appear to have an intrinsic final /i/, while some others (/Nge//Ngi//Nga/ an auxiliary (perhaps a sort of copula), /ne//na/ "have", /Ve//Va/ "be") alternate between /e/ and /a/ (and sometimes /i/) in ways we do not yet understand. In the negative indicative, the final vowel for all verbs except those just mentioned is /a/, except in the present habitual, where the final vowel is /e//i/ (our consultant indicated that these are in free variation). See the section on the imperative for more about the final vowel.The Shona personal agreement morphemes for the subject are given in Table 1.Person     Singular     Plural1p     nd"$-     t"$2p     u$-     mu$-3p     a- wa-     Va-Table 1 Personal subject prefixesOur consultant indicated that /wa/ for the third-person singular conveys slightly more respect than /a/. Respect may also be shown by using second- and third-person plural forms for singular referents. First- and second-person subject prefixes appear to have low tone underlyingly, while third-person subject prefixes have underlying high tone. Subject agreement appears to be absolutely obligatory for all Shona verbs.The personal agreement morphemes for the object are given in Table 2.Person     Singular      Plural1p     -ndi-     -ti-2p     -ku-     -ku--i3p     -mu-     -Va-Table 2 Personal object prefixes. Note that the first-person singular and plural and the third-person plural are identical to the subject prefixes, while the rest differ. The second-person plural object marker consists of two parts, /ku/ immediately before the root and /i/ at the end of the verb, after the final vowel.

the truth :: essays research papers

Shona is an agglutinative language, employing both prefixes and suffixes. Nouns, verbs, and adjectives are each identifiable, as well as personal pronouns, demonstratives, positional prefixes, and dissimilar types of agreement markers. All agreement sound structure in Shona is prefixal. Nouns are divisible into a number of classes, based both on the agreement morphology in the verb and on the morphology of the noun itself.Verbs Finite VerbsThe effectuate of elements in the Shona finite verb is shown in (1).(1)     (NEG)-SUBJ-(TMA)*-(OBJ)--(DERIV. SUFF.)*-(PASS.)-FV-(OBJ2)The asterisk is a convention adopted from syntactic phrase structure rules however, whereas on that point it is used to indicate that an element may appear an indefinite number of times, we use it here to indicate that we are unsure of the maximum number of TMA elements and derivational suffixes al impressioned in a single verb. We are also unsure how stringently the TMA elements and deriv ational suffixes are ordered."FV" is a convention borrowed from Bantuist notation. It stands for "final vowel". This vowel is /a/ in the positive indicative for well-nigh all verbs. A few verbs (/ri/ "be", /si/ "not be", /ti/ "say") appear to arrive at an intrinsic final /i/, tour some others (/Nge//Ngi//Nga/ an auxiliary (perhaps a sort of copula), /ne//na/ "have", /Ve//Va/ "be") rise between /e/ and /a/ (and sometimes /i/) in ways we do not yet understand. In the negative indicative, the final vowel for all verbs except those just mentioned is /a/, except in the present habitual, where the final vowel is /e//i/ (our adviser indicated that these are in free variation). entrance the section on the imperative for more about the final vowel.The Shona personal agreement morphemes for the caseful are accustomed in Table 1.Person      left over(p)     Plural1p     nd "$-     t"$2p     u$-     mu$-3p     a- wa-     Va-Table 1 Personal subject prefixesOur consultant indicated that /wa/ for the third-person odd conveys close to more respect than /a/. Respect may also be shown by using second- and third-person plural form forms for singular referents. First- and second-person subject prefixes appear to have low tone underlyingly, while third-person subject prefixes have underlying high tone. Subject agreement appears to be absolutely imposed for all Shona verbs.The personal agreement morphemes for the bearing are given in Table 2.Person     Singular     Plural1p     -ndi-     -ti-2p     -ku-     -ku--i3p     -mu-     -Va-Table 2 Personal quarry prefixes. Note that the first-perso n singular and plural and the third-person plural are identical to the subject prefixes, while the rest differ. The second-person plural object marker consists of two parts, /ku/ immediately in advance the root and /i/ at the intercept of the verb, after the final vowel.the truth essays research papers Shona is an agglutinative language, employing both prefixes and suffixes. Nouns, verbs, and adjectives are all identifiable, as well as personal pronouns, demonstratives, positional prefixes, and various types of agreement markers. All agreement morphology in Shona is prefixal. Nouns are divisible into a number of classes, based both on the agreement morphology in the verb and on the morphology of the noun itself.Verbs Finite VerbsThe order of elements in the Shona finite verb is shown in (1).(1)     (NEG)-SUBJ-(TMA)*-(OBJ)--(DERIV. SUFF.)*-(PASS.)-FV-(OBJ2)The asterisk is a convention adopted from syntactic phrase structure rules however, whereas there it is u sed to indicate that an element may appear an indefinite number of times, we use it here to indicate that we are unsure of the maximum number of TMA elements and derivational suffixes allowed in a single verb. We are also unsure how stringently the TMA elements and derivational suffixes are ordered."FV" is a convention borrowed from Bantuist notation. It stands for "final vowel". This vowel is /a/ in the positive indicative for almost all verbs. A few verbs (/ri/ "be", /si/ "not be", /ti/ "say") appear to have an intrinsic final /i/, while some others (/Nge//Ngi//Nga/ an auxiliary (perhaps a sort of copula), /ne//na/ "have", /Ve//Va/ "be") alternate between /e/ and /a/ (and sometimes /i/) in ways we do not yet understand. In the negative indicative, the final vowel for all verbs except those just mentioned is /a/, except in the present habitual, where the final vowel is /e//i/ (our consultant indicated that these are in free va riation). See the section on the imperative for more about the final vowel.The Shona personal agreement morphemes for the subject are given in Table 1.Person     Singular     Plural1p     nd"$-     t"$2p     u$-     mu$-3p     a- wa-     Va-Table 1 Personal subject prefixesOur consultant indicated that /wa/ for the third-person singular conveys slightly more respect than /a/. Respect may also be shown by using second- and third-person plural forms for singular referents. First- and second-person subject prefixes appear to have low tone underlyingly, while third-person subject prefixes have underlying high tone. Subject agreement appears to be absolutely obligatory for all Shona verbs.The personal agreement morphemes for the object are given in Table 2.Person     Singular     Pl ural1p     -ndi-     -ti-2p     -ku-     -ku--i3p     -mu-     -Va-Table 2 Personal object prefixes. Note that the first-person singular and plural and the third-person plural are identical to the subject prefixes, while the rest differ. The second-person plural object marker consists of two parts, /ku/ immediately before the root and /i/ at the end of the verb, after the final vowel.

Monday, May 27, 2019

History of Table Tennis Essay

The sport got its start in England towards the end of the 19th century when, after dinner, both(prenominal) upper-middle class Victorians decided to turn their dining room tables into miniature versions of the traditional lawn lawn tennis playing field. Several diverse every-day objects were employed in constructing the sport. They used a line of books as the net. Rackets were lids from empty cigar boxes, and a little later, parchment subject stretched around a frame. The ball would be either a ball of string, or perhaps more commonly, a champagne cork or rubber ball. Before Table Tennis.When the game first started it was called by a number of different names. Whif whaf, gossamer, and flim flam were commonly used to describe it. The words, as can be assumed, were derived from the sound that the ball made when hit back and forth on the table. In 1901 though, side of meat manufacturer J. Jaques & Son Ltd registe flushed one of the more popular names, Ping-Pong, as a copyright. He later sold the trademark to the Parker Brothers in the United States. Then in the 1920s the name and the sport were revived in Europe as table tennis. EvolutionThe turn of the century brought m whatsoever other refinements to the sport. Players started using artificial balls after the English man James Gibb discover them during a trip to the United States in 1901 and proved them to be perfect for Ping-Pong. In 1903, E.C Goode replaced parchment paper and cigar box lids with pimpled rubber on light wooden blades as rackets. And after the world championships in Prague in 1936, where two defensive players took over an time of day to contest one point, the net was lowered to make the pace of the game-play faster. (In another effort to make the game more fast paced and entertaining, rules were again changed in 2001- adopt Rules). It SpreadsAlso around this time, the sport spread to other European countries and to the United States. Asian countries like China, Korea and Japan are under stood to have learnt about it from British Army officers who held posts in those places. There was an unofficial world championship held in 1901, but the first official world championship was held in London in 1927 by the International Table Tennis Federation. The ITTF was founded in Berlin in 1926 by England, Sweden, Hungary, India, Denmark, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Austria, and Wales. Asian FactorAlthough it may seem today that the sport, in the professional realm, is prevail by Asian countries like China and Korea, it wasnt always that way. Before the late 1950s and early 60s, European players from Hungary especially, but also from France and Sweden seemed without competition. plainly in 1952, Japanese player Horoi Satoh introduced the foam rubber paddle. The paddle made the game faster and spinning the ball became an even greater factor. Japan became the primary(prenominal) winner in the world competitions in 1960, and by the mid 1960s China took over the reigns through to th e early 1980s. Their absolute domination of the sport was lastly subdued with the entering of table tennis into the Olympic Games in 1988 and the participation of players from Korea and Sweden. Table Tennis and the Cold WarOn April 6th, 1971, the US table tennis team was invited on an all-expenses-paid trip to play in China. Four days later, nine players, four officials and two spouses crossed the bridge from Hong Kong to the Chinese mainland. They were the first host of Americans to be allowed into the country since the communist take-over in 1949. One of the first signs during the Cold war of improved relations between the United States and China, Time magazine called it the pong heard throughout the world. It was shortly followed with a visit to China by President Nixon.Facilities and Equipment The Table The playing surface, should be rectangular, 2.74m long and 1.525m wide, and shall lie in a horizontal plane 76cm above the floor .The playing surface should not include the ver tical sides of the tabletop. The playing surface should yield a uniform jump of about 23cm when a standard ball is dropped on to it from a height of 30cm. The playing surface shall be uniformly dark colored and matt, but with a white side line, 2cm wide, along for distributively one 2.74m edge and a white end line, 2cm wide, along each 1.525m edge. The playing surface shall be divided into 2 equal courts by a vertical net running parallel with the end lines, and shall be continuous over the whole area of each court. For doubles, each court shall be divided into 2 equal half-courts by a white center line, 3mm wide, running parallel with the side lines the center line shall be regarded as part of each right half-court. The Net AssemblyThe net shall be suspended by a cord attached at each end to an upright post 15.25cm high, the outside limits of the post being 15.25cm outside the side line. The top of the net, along its whole length, shall be 15.25cm above the playing surface. The orbThe ball shall be spherical, with a diameter of 40mm.and weigh 2.7g. The ball shall be made of celluloid or similar plastics material and shall be white or orange, and matt. The Racket The racket may be of any size, shape or weight but the blade (wooden face) shall be flat and rigid. The covering material (rubber sheets) shall cut across up to but not beyond the limits of the blade, except that the part nearest the handle and gripped by the fingers may be left uncovered or covered with any material. The surface of the covering material on a side of the blade, or of a side of the blade if it is left uncovered, shall be matt, bright red on one side and black on the other. Slight deviations from continuity of surface or uniformity of color due to accidental damage or wear may be allowed provided that they do not significantly change the characteristics of the surface.Rules of the game Serving The server shall project the ball near vertically upwards, without transfer spin, so tha t it rises at least 16cm and then falls without touching anything before being struck. The ball shall not be hidden from the receiver by any part of the body or clothing of the server or his doubles partner and as soon as the ball has been projected, the servers waive arm shall be removed from the space between the servers body and the net. If the umpire is doubtful of the legality of a service he may, on the first occasion in a match, declare a let (see below) and warn the server. Any subsequent service of doubtful legality of that player or his doubles partner will result in a point to the receiver. Whenever there is a clear failure to comply with the requirements for a good service, no warning shall be given and the receiver shall score a point.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Exxon Mobil Essay

Company Description Exxon mobile similarly know as Xom in the New York Stock Exchange is on of the largest producers of fossil fuels. Exxon engages in petroleum and boast geographic expedition, fruit, supply, transportation and market placeing in a global economy (Bloomberg). They hold over 13 billion barrels of embrocate color in reserve. Exxon in addition has thirty eight refineries spread over 21 countries (Annual Report). The association in any case has a thought put capacity of 6. 3 million barrels of oil daily. Target MarketExxon has a huge target market in todays economy. They not only provide to any whizz driving a commercial locomote vehicle but also to larger wholesalers.These wholesalers consist of smaller independent gas and service stations that do not have their own refineries. Xom also provides six hundred airports and two hundred seaports with fuel (Annual Report). These two markets consume a tremendous amount of fuel each year. This is a niche market for Xom because these airports and seaports can not use alternative heftiness in their endeavors. CompetitionAlthough Exxon is the largest fossil fuel producer they do have some competition with British Petroleum, proud Dutch Shell and Chevron. These companiess do not have the same output as Xom, but some might say they are up in many ways.British petroleum (BP) has been doing a lot with alternative zipper for the future unlike Exxon which has mainly focused on gasoline. Shell has also made some large landmarks in alternative energy like the use of sugar cane for fuels (Bloomberg). Competitive AdvantagesExxon Mobile conducts oil and gasoline explo ration in e really major accessible area in the world (Integrated Solutions). They also have the largest amount of financial capital for stark naked research and exploration. Exxon is also the largest publically traded energy company in the world and serves over two hundred countries (Annual Report).They also have discipline and consiste ncy which means that they continue to move up in the areas they feel necessary while holding back in others like alternative energy. Current ChallengesOne of the biggest challenges that Exxon casings is the huge enlarge in energy by new developing nations. By 2030 there is an estimated forty percent increase in energy. This poses a problem because Xom must learn to boost efficiency, develop new supplies while still managing environsal risks. That is the following(a) challenge that they face managing environmental risks like mitigating global co2 emissions.They have started to face this problem already by positioning in CO2Remove childbed. This project is set to develop ways to lower co2 emission and create new guidelines for the industry (Integrated Solutions). Exxon also faces challenges with alternative energy like wind power, ethanol and solar power. The last challenge is with thermonuclear power and its high personify particularly in the U. S. In the U. S the cost of nu clear energy highly exceeds the cost of coal and gas. thither is also the problem of how to properly dispose of radioactive waste and safe control of nuclear material.Exxon also is having trouble opening new facilities because no one wants nuclear plants near them. Part II Exxon Mobil is the worlds largest publicly traded international oil and gas company, providing energy that helps underpin growing economies and improve alimentation standards around the world. To be successful, ExxonMobil must be at the leading edge of competition in every aspect of our business. This requires that the Corporations substantial resources, including financial, operational, technological, and human, be employed wisely and evaluated regularly.The success of the company depends mainly on customer satisfaction. For this reason, it is good for a company like Exxon Mobil to have solid mission and vision statements to act as a guideline for the sales and services to be implemented by the company. The miss ion statement and vision statement are as follows Mission Statement Exxon Mobil Corporation is committed to universe the worlds premier petroleum and petrochemical company. To that end, we must continuously achieve superior financial and operating results while adhering to the highest standards of business conduct.These unwavering expectations provide the foundation for our commitments to those with whom we interact (Annual Report). Vision Statement -providing reliable, low-priced energy supplies in a reasonable manner. -safely and reliably producing oil, natural gas, and hydro atomic number 6 -finding and developing new supplies and products to bring to the market maximizing resource and asset value -improving energy efficiency and minimizing environmental impacts -developing the next generation of scientists and engineers Strengths The size of the Corporation is the most obvious strength for Exxon Mobil.Exxon Mobil is affiliated with over 200 countries and territories (Annual R eport). There are 6. 1 billion shares and over 2. 5 million shareholders. Another strength of the company is the diverse workforce that allows them to achieve superior results. Exxon Mobil benefits from the cultural differences, knowledge, and skills of our employees who represent the diverse communities of the world. Weaknesses There were three employee fatalities and five contractor fatalities since 2005. However, the company has learned from these incidents and is working hard at preventing such incidents in the future.Also, replacing the oil that is extracted from the locations is another weakness. They also face the challenge of continuing their pace of significant energy efficiency improvements year after year. Opportunities ExxonMobil has a list of significant Arctic opportunities, with ongoing studies spanning the range of exploration, project assessment and planning, and technology development. We recognize that energy is vital to economic progress. Exxon Mobil is drilling in some of these areas, which helps boost their economy. Other such opportunities include the Canadian Beaufort Sea, due west Greenland, and the Orphan Basin.Threats Threats to Exxon Mobil include drilling restrictions, other independent companies, global warming. Managing the risks from increases in global greenhouse gas emissions is an important concern for ExxonMobil, industry and governments around the world. Exxon Mobil is living up to its vision and mission. They are the premiere gas and oil supplier of the world and do so while staying energy efficient and have very high standards of the functions of business. The company reaches out to its customers and strives to be as helpful and satisfying as possible. They are reliable and for the most part affordable.They continue to develop next generation technology and scientific practices. The company grows healthyer each year. Part III Financial AnalysisThe financial analysis for Exxon Mobil Corporation seems to be in very strong financial position overall and when compared to the competition. The revenue for 2007 was reported at 404,552,000 with a net income of 40,610. When compared to BP, Shell, and Marathon it seems to dominate the market and the competition by a megascopic margin of 20. 8%, which was at least 5% above the nearest competitor and closest to the industry average of 25%. Exxon Mobils current ratio was 1. and was highest of the competition.The industry average is 1. 2, the higher the ratio number, and the better the ability to repay current loans. The debt to equity ratio of . 08 is considered extremely low and looked at as being very safe, and was the lowest of the competition. With such a strong performing company and profits come strong earnings, at $7. 35 per share earnings was one of the highest of the industry. Company comparisonWhen Exxon Mobil is compared to the competition it seems to be out performing the rest of the industry and is proven with the financial statements and ratios. This is definitely a great long term company to invest in, when compared to the competition in this industry. Part IV Strategy to Competitive Advantage- As global warming increases Exxon reads to go green. One strategy they need to have is a renewable energy producer, such as electricity from a carbon emitting utility. There are tons of opportunities to gain a hawkish advantage by understanding the carbon constraints. First, Exxon needs to minimize the additional costs more effectively than competitors. Second, differentiate their product by binding carbon credits into their offering.Then, Exxon needs to turn their capacity to supply carbon credits into a profit centre (Energy-Edge). Expand or Reduce Operations- Exxon is ramping up its oil exploration and drilling, and even worse, is looking to expand its leadership in exploiting Canadas tar sands. They need to stop expanding and start reducing its operations. An expansion is increasing production capacity by 40 percent. But, the mining and processing of tar sands is highly destructive to the local environment and is an enormous generator of greenhouse gas emissions (Coop America). New Products or Services- Exxon has launched a new service called the fleet card program.The program offers a number of valuable features including greater control over device drivers expenses, money-saving rebates on fuel purchases, special discounts on business-related products and services, innovative technology and the convenience of more than 16,000 Exxon and Mobil branded locations nationwide (All Business). Environmental Factors that Influence the Operation- The main environment factor is the climate change on the business from greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide emissions. Exxon Mobile needs to view carbon exposure as more than entirely a key factor in future corporate competitiveness (Energy-edge).They need to use their profit money towards renewable energy research and development, to erupt individuals oil addiction an d create a secure and green energy future for the US. (Coop America) Work at or Investing in Exxon- People should invest rather than work at Exxon Mobile. One reason is that Exxon is ranked number two in the Fortune 500. The worlds energy need, will increase in the near future. Growth in developing countries will drive most of this increase, but energy demand is expected to increase in the unify States, too. (ExxonMobil) Exxon spends about $80billion to invest in future energy development.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Macbeth: a Dead Butcher

Parker Durham Far From a Dead Butcher Producing forth the roughshod ministers of this dead butcher and his fiend-like queen Malcolm spoke these words in the closing lines of the play shortly after Macbeth was killed by Macduff. While it is true that Macbeth could be characterized as a dead butcher, I do not believe those two words do justice in describing the person Macbeth truly is. While Macbeth commits grievous acts of violence and murder, he did not do so without feeling regret and remorse.In Act II, Scene II, we see how Macbeth regrets slaying his king almost at a time after he pulls his dagger from Duncans body. Macbeth tells Lady Macbeth that so great was his guilt that he could not utter amen when he heard God bring up us come from a nearby room. As humans, we only make mistakes. Usually, a single or even multiple mistakes do not regulate our lives. However, in Macbeths case, his mistake was so severe that it would ultimately lead to the loss of everything he loved.Kill ing Duncan would nullify all the good things Macbeth accomplished in his lifetime. preferably of being remembered as the valiant leader he was, he was remembered as a murderous fiend. One committing an act as foul as Macbeths would make ones peers quickly forget about all of that persons previous accomplishments and honors. In the beginning of the play, Macbeth is respected and revered by his fellow officers and countrymen.So great were his accomplishments in the Scottish war against Norway that King Duncan awarded Macbeth the title of the Thane of Cawdor (Act I Scene II). After this appointment, Macbeth held the titles of both Thane of Cawdor and Thane of Glamis. He was the most noble of all the noble, so much that the king himself visited his home. He forfeited all of this due to his moral ambivalence and greed. Ambition is a good character trait to possess. However, Macbeths ambition was so unbridled that it caused him to lose his peace of mind, his friends, and his honor.Macbet h had everything men envy and was far from a dead butcher, but due to one decision, his whole constitution and character were tarnished. Macbeth himself said it best in Act V, Scene III, when he said, Is falln into the sear, the yellow leaf and that which should accompany old age, as honour, love, obedience, parade of friends, I must not look to have but, in their stead, curses, not loud but deep, mouth-honour, breath, which the poor hear would fain deny, and dare not.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Legal Rules of Consideration Essay

Legal rules as to shape 1) Consideration must move at the desire of the promisorthe cause through or losssuffered by the promise must have been done or suffered at the desire or requestof the promisor. The act done at the desire of a third party or without the desire ofthe promisor cannot be a good precondition. It is not necessary that the promisorhimself should be benefited by the acts of the promise. The benefit may beintended for a third party. But the desire or request of the promisor is essential. character A sees Bs house on fire and helps in experimental extinction it.B did not ask forAs help. A cannot demand makement for his service. 2) Consideration may more from the promisee or any other person reflection can be given or supplied by the promise or any other person who isnot a party to the contract. As long as there is a friendliness it is not importantwho has given it. in that respectfore, a stranger to servant can sue on a contractprovided he is not a stranger to contract. This is known as the doctrine ofconstructive consideration. 3) Consideration may be past, present or future consideration may be past,present or future.But according to English law, consideration may be present orfuture but never past. 4) Consideration need not be adequate consideration need not be adequate to thepromise, but it must be of some value in the eye of law. So long as considerationexists, the courts be not concerned as to its adequacy. Provided it is of somevalue. The adequacy of the consideration is of the parties to consider at the timeof making the agreement. However, the inadequacy of the consideration may betaken into account by the court in determining the question whether the consent ofthe promisor was freely given.This is because inadequacy may suggest fraud,mistake or coercion etc. Example Ali agrees to sell a auto worth $2,000 for $200. Alis consent to theagreement was freely given. The agreement is a contract not withstanding theinadequacy of cons ideration. 5) Consideration must be in truth and not illusory Although consideration need notbe adequate, it must be real, competent and of some value in the eyes of the law. Real consideration is one which is not physically or de jure impossible. If theconsideration is physically impossible, vague or healthyly impossible, the contractcannot be enforced. ) Consideration must be lawful. The consideration for an agreement must belawful. An agreement is binding if it is based on unlawful consideration. Consideration is unlawful a) if it s forbidden by law or b) if of such a natural that if permitted it would defeat the provisions of nay law,or c) is fraudulent, or d) involves injury to the person or property of another, e) court regards it as immoral or opposed to public policy Example I ) A promises to hold Bs child and B promises to A $ 2000 yearly for thepurpose. Here, the promise of each party is the consideration for the promise ofthe other party.These are lawful consideratio ns. II ) A promises to obtain for B, an employment in the public services, and Bpromises to pay $ 800 to A. the agreement is void as the consideration for it isunlawful. 7) Consideration may be an act or abstinence or promise Consideration may bea promise to do something or not to do something. So it may be either compulsive orSubject BUSINESS LAW LECTURER YUSUF O. GARASADMAS UNIVERSITY COLLEGEHARGEISA-MAIN CAMPUS negative. Consideration need not always be doing some act. It can be not doing anact also. ) Consideration must be something which the promisor is not already bound todo a promise to do what one is already bound to do, either by general law orunder an existent contract, is not a good consideration for a new promise. Therewill be no detriment to the promise or benefit to the promisor over and higher up theirexisting rights or obligations. Similarly, a promise to perform a public duty by apublic servant is not a good consideration. Example A promises to pay $ 200 to police officer for investigation into a crime. This promise is without consideration because the police officer is already boundto do so by law.Exceptions There are, however, certain(p) exceptions to the rule that past consideration is noconsideration. Under the exceptions, past consideration is as good as present or futureconsideration. The exceptions are as follows 1) Services rendered at the request of the promisor. When the considerationconsists of services rendered at the request of the promisor, it is a goodconsideration. The request may be either express or implied. 2) Promise to pay a time-barred debt where a debt is bound by limitation, thedebtor can waive the benefit of that plea and promise to discharge the debt.Such apromise is enforceable. A time-barred debt can be taken as valid consideration fora subsequent promise. 3) Negotiable instrument where a negotiable instruments is given in considerationof some past act, that past act will form as a good consideration for the issue ofthe negotiable instrument and the party who gets the instrument can validlyenforce it. Unreal Considerations in the following cases, the consideration is not legal because ofphysical or legal impossibility or uncertainty. The following are not real considerations. ) Physical impossibility if a person agrees to perform an impossible act for aconsideration, the promise is not enforceable. The promise is unreal. Discoveringtreasure by magic or making two parallel straight lines meet or putting life backinto a dead body cannot be enforced as promises because of impossibility. 2) Legal impossibility whenever the performance of a promise is legallyimpossible, consideration is not real. 3) Uncertain consideration consideration is not real and is not enforceable if it isuncertain or ambiguous. Examples A engages B for doing a certain work and promises to pay areasonable sum.There is no recognized method of ascertaining thereasonable remuneration. The promise is not enforceable as it is u ncertain. 4) Illusory consideration an illusory consideration is not real and is unenforceable. Example A promises to give B one ton of gold brought from the sun. theconsideration is sham and illusory. 5) Pre-existing legal obligations A promise to do what one is already bound to do,either by general law or under an existing contract, is not a good consideration fora new promise. Similarly, a promise to perform a public duty by a public servantis not a consideration.Real or Good Consideration The following are good real or considerations 1) Forbearance to sue forbearance to sue is a kin of abstinence. It means a personwho has a right of action against another person refrains from saving the action. Forbearance to sue may be forever or for a short or limited time. Forbearance tosue at the desire of the debtor is a good consideration. Example A has a right to sue his debtor B for $5000. But he postpones suing as Bagreed to pay $ 2000 more. Such forbearance is a valuable consideration for thepromise of B. 2) Compromise of a disputed claim Compromise is a kind of forbearance.Thecompromise of a disputed claim is a good consideration for the fresh agreement ofcompromise. Example A sues to recover a debt of $2000 from B. B denies the whole debt andpromises to pay $500 to A as a sort of compromise. This compromise of B issupported by consideration and is valid. 3) Composition with Creditors A person who is not in a position to pay his debtsfully may call a confrontation of his creditors and request them to accept a lesseramount. If the creditors and request them to accept a lesser amount. If thecreditors agree to it, the agreement is binding upon the debtor and creditors.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Caryl Phillips Cambridge

In Caryl Phillips Cambridge, Phillips begins by introducing Emily, a young upper-class white woman, who is sent to the wolfram Indies for three months to inspect her fathers sugar plantation. By constructing the fiction into several distinctive voices, he exposes to his readers multiple points of view surrounding the novels fictional world. The first section of the novel is in the form of a journal, narrated by Emily herself, and gives readers a sense of Emilys identity through her depictions of her surroundings. Phillips takes a gendered narrative approach to explore eurocentric influence in the depictions of black womanhood during the African Diaspora and how it has affected the conceptualization of race in the past and present.Emily often finds the need to express her disgust of the carriages of black women. Setting off towards her fathers estate, Emily is accompanied by a white gentleman, a negro driver, and a negro woman. Observing the woman, Emily states, Her toothless gums were visible through her thick and open lips, and her church building hat failed to mask her sad, unfeminine baldness (21). Emily justifies her revulsion of the womans appearance base on her skewed perception of femininity.Because she does not meet eurocentric beauty ideals, her appearance is not seen on her own terms but rather criticized by someone who does not sh are her culture nor values. Emily uses the terms toothless and bald to spotlight the black womans unappealing features and therefore, she reinforces the idea that disgraceful women are less feminine than other women. Such depictions take an immeasurable toll on Black women, who wealthy person to constantly challenge the notion that they are less feminine, that their blackness is something curious, or difficult to handle to white standards.Despite the fact that what is considered to be feminine and splendiferous is constantly changing, it does so in a way that continues to revolve around a Eurocentric standards. Emi lys faulty depictions preserve the idea that white people are superior in many ways to black people, and therefore, they have the right to assert their dominance over other races.In the past, science was use to unfreeze white supremacy, where attributes of European culture were used to create a rationale for European authority. European slave traders used scientific racism to justify their preconceive notions that Blacks were not people but property, therefore they lacked basic fundamental rights. Upon arriving at the luncheon, Emily sets eyes on Christiana unhappy with her presence, she orders the coal-black, ape-woman to leave.Emily suggests that Christianas features and mannerisms are similar to those of an ape and that her race is not only inferior but scientifically less evolved. This passage goes above and beyond it showcases how whites distanced race from the core values of both feminism and humanism, proving that both were based on the systematic ideology of slaveholders an d their allies. Phillips shows readers that the idea that all human beings are born with basic human rights was not prevalent to Blacks during this period.European slave traders used their preconceived notions to justify that Africans served no other purpose but to work as slaves. This was a view of humanity that made life grueling for Black slaves in the Americas. Equating animals to blacks was a malicious and effective instrument of dehumanisation, which historically manifested a powerful weapon that Europeans used to justify the institution of slavery.Black bodily features, especially black womens bodies and hair, have been devalued for centuries. The idea that blackness exists outside the realm of beauty was imposed by whites who constructed a hierarchy that privileged those with light source skin, and straighter hair where Blacks could not meat this ideal of femininity. Emily, stopping to observe the black men and women washing clothes with their bare hands, cant help but com ment on the appearance of the women.The appearance of the females was truly disgusting to meone woman, her hair matted with filth, and, I imagine, her flesh host to countless forms of infestation, stood in a condition of enumerate nudity in the centre of the stream.. The standards of white beauty created a barrier for Black women to attain it because it did not apply to most Black women thus, American femininity has existed behind the image of a white women.When Emily inadequately associates natural hair with the her own terms, she sets standards for physical characteristics that represent her race, failing to include anyone that doesnt meet her skewed notions what constitutes a feminine woman. As a result, for years, Black women have taken part in many practices that attempt to mask their physical features in accordance with socially accepted conventions influenced by Whiteness.Emilys negative depictions of Black women stems from conditions of her privilege. Through Emily, Phillip s shows readers how Whites responded to black womanhood in the nineteenth century. What constituted a Black woman was directly related to the control that Whites had over them. Racism was at work, reinforcing the conception of whiteness while at the same time, deconstructing blackness.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

How Andrew Jackson was portrayed Essay

Andrew capital of Mississippi was the seventh president of the United States. A rough-hewn military hero, he was regarded by many as the spokesman of the common man. He entered the White Ho subprogram in 1829 after winning the second of two vigorously fought election campaigns. Through his sharp personality, he restructured the office of the president and helped shape the democratic party. Less educated and less schooled in government than many of his political opponents, Jackson had leaped to national fame in the War of 1812 as the hero of the Battle of New Orleans and had captured the dedicated loyalty of a vast segment of the American population. He was widely acclaimed as the symbol of what the new American thought himself to be a self-made man endowed with virtue and strength. The results of the election of 1824 proved that Jackson was indeed the magician of a popular majority. Jacksons administrations were highlighted by the frustration of sectional attempts to weaken the cen tral government by state nullification of federal law, and by his confrontation with the Bank of the U.S. Jackson overly positively affected the development of the U.S. presidency.He concentrated power in the office through wide use of the veto and through his insistence that the chief executive alone represented the will of the whole nation. He committed the presidential powers to the protection of the people. Throughout his presidency, Jackson was portrayed as both a states rightist and as a nationalist. As a states rightist, he proteced the states rights so that the federal government would not stemma individual states rights and favor them over other states. He was a strong believer in the political ideas of the Jeffersonians. Another example of Jackson being a states rightist includes the Maysville highroad veto. Jackson had pledged to reduce the national debt and was opposed to the rising number of bills before Congress that proposed to finance internal improvements with pu blic money.The Maysville Road Bill gave authorized the use of federal funds to construct a road between the towns of Maysville and Lexington, both in Kentucky. Jackson vetoed the bill, calling it unconstitutional because it relate only the state of Kentucky. As a nationalist, Jackson believed in a strong central government in order to unify the nation. He also believed in a democracy for the entire nation. Jackson also supported the Spoils System, which rewarded his political supporters with public offices and allowed common people to take office.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

A Review on Alex Cross’s Trial Essay

Good morning everyone Recently, I had the honour to read the book write by Mr. James PattersonAlex Crosss Trial. I was awestruck by the epic struggle of the hero against the racial discrimination between the white and the coloured, as well as the absorbing plot. Therefore, I irresistibly wondered Is Singapore a racial-harmony country? How can we make it better? Firstly, Singapore is not a mensuration racial-harmony country, as there are still sedition acts detected. In 2008, a middle-aged Christian couple was charged under both the Sedition do perish and the Undesirable Publications Act with distri provideding seditious publications to two Muslim women. Does the story help yall to reflect your daily words and deeds? Have you been a racist when people from a different race come to ask for help?Are you disgusted with their certain action or tradition, which belong to their have got race? What I usually notice on the streets is- groups of one race people-walking and talking together . Keeping to their circles, many people hardly expose to other racial people. Are these scenes included in racial harmony? Secondly, Singapore is trying to create a better air of racial equality and harmony, an example of which is racial Harmony Day. To build a democratic society, peace is indispensible. Thus, if you observe any other race people need help, you should do them a favour If you work with other race people, you should offer to talk to them sincerely and fervently.Regardless of races, people will overcome the embarrassment, and the real racial harmony comes some day. Last but not least, Abraham J once said Racism is mans gravest threat to man the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason. Hence, giving up racism is another word for relieving from anxiety of worrying about threat. As harmony requires a mutual respect, doing good to other race people is a lot better than do nothing. Remember, racism is not born, instead, it is taught. Racial harmony is nether born nor ta ught, it is to be realized.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Republica Himalayan Science Fair

REPUBLICA KATHMANDU, Jan 11 Himalayan Club de Scientia, an freelance knowledge club of Himalayan White House International College in New Baneshwor is organizing Himalayan comprehension Fair 2011. The event is taking place on January 28 and 29 from 10 am to 430 pm inside the college premise. Mukul Dhakal, Program Coordinator of the science exhibition and a grade 12 science student, shared, We are organizing this nationally science exhibition so that the students can get a platform where they leave get to expose their talents.This way students who have learned science theoretically, get out in any case get to ascertain it practicablely. Dhakal further informed that the program is entirely a student program and is the first of its kind nationwide inter-college science exhibition where students from +2 or equivalent can participate and show their talents. The program also includes seminars, cultural programs, food festival, education fair and gaming competitions. Students part icipating from outside the Kathmandu valley will be provided room and board from January 27 to January 30.Sarin Raj Pokharel, Finance Director of the HICSCI club and a grade 12 science student, said, Our club used to organize many events in which only the students from our college could participate. So for the first clip we are independently organizing a nationwide mega event where everyone can participate and get an exposure to the practical aspects of science. The main reason behind organizing this event is to find and promote junior scientists. Since the demand of science and engineering seems to be growing, we thought it is good to start from the college level itself in order to foster young talents, he said.He further informed that after successfully organizing the 1st valley-wide inter-college science exhibition in 2009 where 28 colleges had participated, this socio-economic class HICSCI stepped forward to organize the 1st nationwide science exhibition. We expect 30 teams f rom within the valley and 20 from outside. The event is being judged by science professors from Tribhuvan University. The first prize is Rs 25,000, second Rs 15,000 and third Rs 10,000, informed Pokhrel. Those students and early days organizations interested to participate in the exhibition must register their team for the fair latest by Jan 20.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Radio Shack Report

Executive Summary receiving set domiciliate Corporation is a usual electronic store inside the United States of America. Within this report an assessment of RadioShack Corporation performance in the years 2004 to 2006 will be provided. This assessment looks on * Changes in Chief Executive Officer (chief operating officer) * The imports of the transposes in the chief executive officer * The pecuniary performance of RadioShack in the stipulate period * Managerial problems facing RadioShack in the specified period. From this report we hope to give a concise representation of what happened in RadioShack in the years2004-2006.As a radical of consultants we aim to identify problems facing the lodge. Along with this we will provide solutions and recommendations to these problems found on our assessment. Introduction Radio Shack is a consumer electronics goods and services retailer that operates about 4400 stores across the United States, Puerto Rico and the U. S. Virgin Islands. Add ition completelyy, the smart set also operates about 800 non-branded kiosks (small booths) from which wireless go alongsets and accessories are sold. The firms headquarters is located in fastness Worth, Texas and as of 2006, there were approximately 40000 workers employed to the companionship.The case presented to the group highlights the problems faced by Radio Shack which started in the year 2004. The instability in the position of CEO and executive centering of the firm, monetary troubles, dissatisfy employees and low communication dexteritys have been identified as the main problems which sought to wreak havoc end-to-end the firm. As consultants hired by the Radio Shack Company, our main objective would be to state, with clear reasoning, the shopping mall problems affecting the confederation, as well their appropriate solutions.In addition we would aim to devise suitable plans which would aid the company in moving forward. Along with this we will present recommendati ons which would foster better development and growth within the firm for the future. Background Within the years 2004-2006, RadioShack had undergone instability in upper management and poor financial performance. One reason for much(prenominal) instability is gaind by the frequent changes in CEOs. Over the period, terce persons had the role as CEO. The first, Leonard Roberts left the position to join the board of members at RadioShack.The second, David Edmondson left due to his mould qualifications. The third was, Julian Day, who was employed by the Board of Members and the Executives to turn the company around (University of Nortedame, 2007). It is not estimable to a company to have a critical position such as the CEO changed so frequently. Each person set different goals and have different guidances of achieving them. Therefore, whenever there is a change in CEO the goals of the tune change too. Hence, the company is change as it has to stop and change its highway wheneve r a new CEO takes over.This ultimately affects the immediate performance of the business. With the frequent change in CEOs employees may belong lazy in completing the task they were given. They may also become confused in regards to what to do. Others may even stop doing the task once they are informed that the CEO will be changed. Thus, this reduces the overall productivity of workers. Consumers too will be affected as their inevitably and wants are not being satisfied efficiently due to changes in the company. As a result, the company is now seen as inefficient as they fail to satisfy customer needs.The company is further affected as employees will have to be paid although the company is not earning. wretched communication skill is another issue which is a result from instability in upper management. Workers were unaware of the decisions to cut module until after a invoke release. It was the managers at RadioShack that informed their team of the reduction and the medium that will be used (Joyce, 2006). As a result, employees questioned the company policies and began losing confidence in them.Also many felt disrespected based on the medium used inform them of job cuts (Joyce, 2006). Discussion Between the years 2004 2006, Radio Shack had a fully grown problem tree. This conclusion was made after carefully analyzing, deliberating and discussing the case at hand within the group. A number of issues were defined and can be characterized in the following groups Leaves unfitness to spark Employees Financial Instability Branches poor internecine confine Poor Internal communication Bad melodic line Ethics Root Dysfunctional / Incompetent Top ManagementThese issues will be discussed in this section in the graze in which they are defined. Leaves i. Financial Instability * RadioShack Corporation in comparison to its competitors is underperforming (University of Nortedame, 2007). Their net income is significantly low and lags behind competitors. * RadioShac k saw stock prices closing at relatively low trading prices. ii. Inability to Motivate Employees Radio Shack lost the confidence of its workforce following a sudden budge release made by Day. He announced the companys action plan in moving forward to recovery.This action plan included firing hundreds of employees as a center to pass expenses and improve its long-term competitive position in the market place (Poole, 2007). Branches iii. Poor Internal Control Radio Shack had undergone numerous executive changes. The most significant being the changes of CEOs in a two year period. The one which stands out was that of David Edmonson who left the position after admitting he lie on his resume about two academic degrees which he did not have (University of Nortedame, 2007).This is a major(ip) issue as measures should have been in place to check all persons qualifications before hiring. 4. Poor Internal Communication Management had failed to inform employees that jobs were to be cut. Emp loyees were informed internally after a sudden press release given by Julian Day in 2006. To not inform your employees first of such job cut may lead to many feeling separate from the company (Poole, 2007). Also, this further affects the company performance as employees are caught up wondering if they will be fired rather than focussing on getting the job done. 5.Bad barter Ethics Most would agree that no matter the means of firing, the notion remains the same. It is best to fire someone face to face. Communication is a two way process and several instances RadioShack engaged in a one way communication process based on the approach to fire employees (Gaertner-Johnston, 2006) . Clearly Radio Shack ignored this and as a result they had disgruntled employees. The way in which the letter was written also shows poor business ethics. In Business School it is taught that when delivering bad news, the bad news should not be delivered first.RadioShack ignored this and gave the employees a concise email informing them that they were no longer needed. Root 6. Dysfunctional / Incompetent Top Management The core cause of all of Radio Shacks problems was the inability of their top management team to effectively do their job. Had they been overseeing more efficiently by the Board of Members and executives these branches and leaves could have been avoided. Radio Shack had left the corporation solo in the hands of Julian Day. As a newly appointed executive, he was left wholly in charge of the companys turnaround plan.The board of directors and executives confidence may have been justify based on Julian day previous work. Nonetheless, they had failed to exercise their authority in incorporating the company values, claims and policies with Julian Days creative genius and business operating skills. Conclusion In evaluating this case and highlight the many issues, it is fair to say that RadioShack Corporation is not in a very secure financial position. This statement is made on the basis that they suffered from problems which include Inability to motivate employees Financial instability Poor internal control Poor internal communication Bad business ethics Dysfunctional/ bumbling top management Improvements are therefore needed in these areas of the company if it is to survive and grow. In order of battle to do this, RadioShack Corporation must first find solutions to their core problems. The core problems were identified to be poor internal communication, bad business ethics and dysfunctional/ incompetent top management. These problems are the root causes which all the other problems stemmed from.This case analysis basically provided justified issues that were evaluated and discussed as it relates to RadioShack Corporation. Recommendations In order to lenify some of these problems faced by RadioShack Corporation, the group of consultants generated some recommendations. Based on the findings in this case, it is recommended that In hard to rebuild a c ompany that is in great financial depression, the manager should review all aspects of the business and work along with the current staff, rather than deciding to cut staff as the first objective.The management team at RadioShack Corporation should focus on their internal performance first in order to increase profitability and revive the finances of the business. Another recommendation is that the board members should exercise their authority by ensuring that Julian Day ideas were ethical and stuck to the policies of the company when making major decisions. Bibliography University of Nortedame. (2007). RadioShack Corporation Youve Got Mail. Mondoza College of Business. Joyce, A. (2007).Fired Via E-Mail And Other Tales Of Poor Exits. Retrieved November 8, 2012, from http//www. washingtonpost. com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/09/09/AR2006090900103. html Poole, L. (2007). RadioShack lays off employees via e-mail. Retrieved November 8, 2012, from http//usatoday30. usatoday. com/tech/new s/2006-08-30-radioshack-email-layoffs_x. htm Gaertner-Johnston, L. (2006). Fired by Email. Retrieved November 9th, from http//www. businesswritingblog. com/business_writing/2006/09/fired_by_email. ht

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Sample Imc Plan

I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This integrated market communications scheme outlines communication tactics that lead be used to chew out aw beness & to introduce Azimuth regard Companys new surf of growths to the public. This IMC plan provide be used to achieve the trade communications objectives of this plan, as well as address some of the issues challenges surrounding the introduction success of this new range the union by discussing key areas much(prenominal) as mark positioning, pricing strategies rangeing.II INTRODUCTION Azzimuth Watch Company strives to fork out their customers with timeless pieces hemmed with exquisite detailed designs with excellent quality to boot. Since its genssis in 2003, a a few(prenominal) result lines score been released but the desired reception was unachieved. Azzimuth Watch Company has to be repositioned nocked in much(prenominal) a way that potential customers impart receive understand.By introducing the home run marketing proces s various specific elements of which, such as the identifying of unfulfilled accepts, market segmentation, selection of a target market positioning, the examination of Azzimuth Watch Companys marketing process female genitals be through with(p) properly to identify how else to better its differentiateing effectiveness to in conclusion obtain the goal of penetrating the market with desired results. As such, Azzimuth bathroom grow into a spark advance gull for its mathematical overlaps, delivering effectively what they have planned. III COMPANY PROFILEBased in Singapore since 2003, Azzimuth Watch Company has its products manufacture in Geneva, Switzerland. It was founded on the concept to design, manufacture & distribute a wide range of quality wrist studyes to complement any individuals selected life style. Tied closely with what an azimuth is, it plays up to the concept in which it is used in some(prenominal) practical applications, such as astronomy, mapping naviga tion. Azzimuth is heavily find outd by science how it explains the way almost everything in the world works, its aim is to produce wristwatches that are adapt fitting to different cultures with the irm initiation of science logic. Azzimuth represents a philosophical system of the blending of science lifestyle-in many different ways possible. IV. SITUATION ANALYSIS 4. 1 SWOT analytic thinking Strengths 1. Only company with unique philosophy of blending science lifestyle with timekeepers. 2. Products are made in Switzerland. 3. varied offerings to diverse segments with a clear cut positioning 4. international tie-ups with Tommy Hilfiger Weaknesses 1. Lack of huge media entreat even after 8 years of its launch 2. Higher prices compared to other(a) carrys standardized Swatch or Casio. 3.Current persuasion reveal more steering on expansion than quality 4. sword equity is non created probability 1. Increase in demand for opulence goods in a fast-paced advancing country like Singapore 2. Presence of a monopoly, cosmos the first unless Singapore based luxury watch company in this country. Threats 1. Premium international watch brands such as Citizen, Omega entered in Singapore. 2. meandering(a) phones acting as relievers for watches. 3. As Singaporean market is widely open to importations, it provide be touchy for local players to maintain a sustainable growth. . Customer satisfaction level below competitors 5. Expansive advertisements promotions done by competitors. 4. 2 Competitor Analysis Two such competitors that Azzimuth is facing are Citizen Omega. These 2 brands are well known for being a few of the worlds largest producers of watches. The Citizen Skyhawk A-T line of watches features Radio Controlled Timekeeping. The watches butt joint synchronize with receiving fructify clocks in Japan, North America, and Europe and will automatically select the correct frequency for doing so based upon location of home time zone.Citizen watch es also incorporates the eco-drive technology which means that their watches will never beg batteries. Omega also has its reputation for having been NASAs choice of watches was also the first watch on the moon in 1969. It has also been the official timekeeping device for the Olympic Games since 1932. A large number of celebrities have also been endorsed by Omega, such as Daniel Craig, George Clooney, Zhang ZIyi Cindy Crawford. Both companies also focus on manufacturing timepieces have managed to unc everyplace various product ranges with a very wide product line choice.As such, what these companies have done for themselves grants them the competitive advantage over Azzimuth. 4. 3 Current Marketing What the marketing efforts of Azzimuth Watch Company are lacking of are a materialer character identity. Its current advertising efforts consists altogether of strike media on public blanks, such as plenty stops, magazines newspapers. A few magazines have written print reviews o r articles on Azzimuths products & the danger in such is that magazine publications might place their products near to another competitors product. By doing so, consumers might tend to compare the products.The only few publications that have been approached for page space for Azzimuth are Style, 8 Days. I-Weekly The Newpaper. The limited amount of advertising space may hinder Azzimuths original message from being brought across. By having only print advertisements, there is only so much of Azzimuths message that are revealed to consumers. A good written review might not be as believable if the companys identity & character is not made prominent & consumer awareness is not laid-back. 4. 4 Statement of Problems There are a lot of problems that Azzimuth is facing right now in respect to its marketing communication efforts.These problems hinder Azzimuth from excelling & becoming the ideal brand that they wish due to the loopholes in their MC efforts. The few such problems are i) poor brand awareness ii)poor brand identity iii)heavy disputation against other established brands iv)poor marketing positioning Due to limited marketing efforts, Azzimuth is not able to raise its brand awareness. The poor placing of the brand (& in advertisements) also hinders potential target consumers from being exposed to their products. The brand itself is then unable to be prominent in the horology sedulousness.When unable to position itself evidently in the horology attention & in consumers minds, Azzimuth then fails to achieve its desired goals, driving the company down an negative path. V. Marketing Objectives The few objectives that Azzimuth Watch Company is looking to achieve are as follows i) Efficiently establishing a strong brand identity in the Singaporean market ii) Increasing brand awareness ii) Introduce new range of products efficiently in Singaporean market iv) Incorporate Corporate Social Responsibility v) Achieve gross gross revenue of 12,000 units of new range of products within the year 2012If planned strategically marketing communications is utilised effectively, these objectives can be brought about. Current awareness of Azzimuth in Singapore is very low as it is not recognize easily consumers do not easily identify with the brand its products. When the brand awareness is raised, the amount of sales profits will most definitely development. On top of that, people will be able to recognise the brand, improving its reputation. A strong brand identity also allows for consumers to retain deem the brand credible.If Azzimuth succeeds in sending a strong opthalmic message used throughout all their air marketing communications will keep them a step ahead of their competition. Having a consistent visual identity throughout all of their business marketing communications will have them at the drumhead of existing potential consumers minds when they have a need for Azzimuths products or services. Stability can also be achieved if Azz imuth successfully develops a functional brand identity as it gives the impression that their business is dedicated to the horology industry that they serve.Essentially, the main marketing objective is to introduce position accurately the new range of Azzimuth products in the local market eventually hit a sales figure of 12,000 timepieces in 2012. VI. STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION The contemplated schema for Azzimuth Watch Company is to put its marketing communications options to the best use by first effectively introducing implementing itself into the market, caving its position in the consumers minds, & finally, its new range of products. 6. 1 Target AudienceBy target consultation profiling, it will answer Azzimuth make better, more consistent costumer decisions about how to best market & sell. It also makes it possible for the lag to treat customers more consistently because everyone is working from the same comprehensive knowledge. When Azzimuth de bourneines its target audi tory sense, it can scale their marketing communication efforts thus customise the intended message to their target sense of hearing effectively. The prime target audience of Azzimuth are the opulent individuals who afford & prefer to indulge in luxury products as a lifestyle choice.These individuals include working class females & males with an annual income ranging from S$80, 000 & above. An ideal advertising medium for this target audience would be the internet as these individuals are also busy professionals in their respective fields. Due to their agitated work & social schedules, it is not likely for them to pick up local lifestyle magazines that are catered for the intermediate market. 6. 2 Brand Image & Positioning As a luxury watchmaker, Azzimuth faces intense competition from other established watch brands such as Rolex, Tag Heuer, Swatch etc.By having a unique brand image, Azzimuth will be able to separate itself from other brand peers, hence establishing itself as a un ique section of the market. concord to Jay Ehret (2009), brands are not concrete they are the thoughts, feelings & psychological relationships between a business & a customer, & that a brand is the foundation of all its marketing activities. Branding serves as a internal compass of focus & that if a business is clearly branded, it has an understanding of what it is about. Over time, a stronger business identity will be built.Azzimuth can adopt the brand image of a science logic. Despite close competitors having developed product lines with different needs & philosophies, Azzimuth can be the first brand that emphasises the simple but fundamental philosophy of how things can be easily explained with science & logic. Rather than just being a simple luxury brand, performing up to this philosophy gives consumers a chance to associate themselves with products derived from intellect. Consumers usually purchase products with their emotions, rather than logically.With a strong branding im age, Azzimuth can position themselves as the distinctive watchmaker that provides consumers with a wide range of luxury products made of high quality with a unique philosophy, setting them apart from other watchmakers in the Singaporean market. 6. 3 New Products Azzimuths new range of products caters to the pivot in their target consumers, focusing on minimalistic designs, with the motivation being that individuals from all walks of life can opt for a luxurious yet simple timepiece that eludes style. 6. Pricing Stratergy The pricing strategy for Azzimuths new range of products is Mazimum Market Skimming. In this approach whereby Azzimuth sets a high price for its new high-end product so to obtain maximum revenue from the market before substitute products appear. This pricing strategy is ideal as it complements the luxurious image of the brand as it is unlikely for its target audience to prefer purchasing timepieces that are very lowly priced. The high price will set it apart from it s peers by delivering the image of a exceptional product.VII. Recommended IMC Strategy With proper planning in advertising, consumers will be able to perceive a brand positively. Azzimuth has to take a multi-pronged approach to their advertising methods for its brand name to be rooted in the consumers minds. The initial strategy is for Azzimuth to establish its brand identity, constitute its brand image finally, re-position themselves as a brand of luxury watches that are adaptable to different cultures with the firm basis of science logic.The proposed timeline for the execution of the recommended IMC strategy is 12 months, split into 3 stagecoachs. The first 4 months of the strategy will pay close attention to positioning the brand image in the hearts minds of consumers increasing brand awareness. Starting with a series of print advertisments carefully designed to appeal to their needs wants, this first phases target is to re-position Azzimuth as a brand of timepieces with sc ientific philosophy & luxurious appeal.Concertedly with this launch of fresh print advertisements will be the implementation of product testimonials & placements. Celebrities like Beyonce will share their experiences on their gustatory sensation for Azzimuths products, while the product will also be placed carefully in the movie series Oceans Trilogy. Exposure of this product to millions of movie-watchers will ensure ample advertisement for it. The side by side(p) trimester of the strategy will consist of a next series of print advertisements & TV commercials with similar outdoor print advertisements to follow.American means & film producer Adrien Brody, who became the youngest actor to win the Academy Award for Best Actor will be endorsed to portray Azzimuth as The example Option for luxurious watches. Also included would be a TV commercial of Brody highlighting his preference for Azzimuths product range. Similarly, Brody will be featured in an exclusive interview on Azzimuths o fficial webpage, public speaking in-depth on his passion for exclusive luxury watches & the reason behind it & why Azzimuth is his ideal option. Finally, the last phase of this strategy traversing over 4 months ill involve the setting up of a segment on Azzimuths official website, educating potential watch-buyers on what to look out for in their next purchase. A forum will also be set up separately for Azzimuth watch owners to share their product choices opinions. 7. 1 broadcasting media Product Placement The Oceans Trilogy combines well-known elements from heist films & con artist films. Azzimuth will be able to increase its brand awareness by placing its brand in a highly popular movie that is watched by all ages & consumer groups worldwide. . 2 Print Advertising Print Media Azzimuth is currently only utilising print media efforts in call for Publicity & technical reviews. On top of the high possibility of its products being placed directly next to a competitors, these reviews are written from a third-person perspective may not be ample for consumers to be convinced to purchase Azzimuths products. Such reviews do not directly send the intended message to consumers, permit alone communicate the brands identity image.The placement of their reviews are also only in lifestyle magazines that mayhap most established individuals do not see as they are used to their lifestyle whereby they peruse luxurious lifestyle magazines. Hence, Azzimuth Watch Company must design release a series of print advertisements on the correct portal to allow successful communications with their target audience. Fig 7 revenue stamp of new Azzimuth Print Advertisement The tagline Perfect Symmetry collates sends across the message of Azzimuths intended brand identity & image.The term symmetry implies Azzimuths new range of products whereby minimalism takes place heavily. 7. 3 Celebrity Endorsements Adrien Brody famous people eat, drink, travel, go obtain and generally behave lik e normal consumers, albeit ones with much greater spending power and the ability to influence the buying decisions of others simply by what they choose to buy for themselves. This aspirational effect, whereby people seek to emulate their favorite celebrities, presents a golden opportunity for brands.Endorsing a celebrity provides two important things for Azzimuth Aspiration Credibility. In todays competitive marketplace, a perceived celebrity endorsement can give Azzimuth the product or service the instant perception & legitimacy that would normally take years to earn. Adrien Brody has built a successful reputation for himself by being the youngest winner for an Academy Award for Best Actor & also the only American that has won a french Cesar Award. He has also made his debut as a runway model for Prada. IX. ConclusionIn todays fast-paced environment, companies have to pay special attention to how they communicate with their target consumer groups. Consumers have developed a need for knowledge information before a purchase this has become a necessary process as consumers desire to know they are making a well-informed purchase. Hence, it is vital to comprehend their target consumer groups completely. With this information, they can integrate a substantial suitable IMC plan to help companies branch out to their target audience be prepared for any consumer responses.

Friday, May 17, 2019

An Omnipotent Government: Utopia or Dystopia Essay

Utopia an idealized place of beau ideal or a visionary scheme for a perfect social club (Agnes). However, what if the ideals of utopia result in the seeds of dystopia? What if a government that is able to rule a perfect familiarity, oversteps its bounds and causes destruction of emancipation? In the dystopian bracings 1984, A die hard New World, and The Giver, the government controls every ruling, every fear, every story, and every sensation. These novels warn of the brat of a government that becomes too involved in its citizens lives. When citizens exclusivelyow themselves to be uncaring and innocent(predicate) intimately their government, the ultimate price is freedom and liberty. These novels show that freedom is much to high a woo momentary contentment should never come at the expense of liberty. Adolf Hitler once said, If you tell a big affluent lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed (Huxley). Propaganda is a very powerful tool that privy be used f or good or evil.In 1984 the Partys slogan, WAR IS PEACE. FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH, convinces its citizens that they fate what the government has disposed them war, slavery, and ignorance (Orwell). They do non want freedom because it is slavery. They are made to believe that love-in-idleness and serenity come only during war. They are uninformed about their being, and this gives them strength. This type of government propaganda controls what citizens think by absolute what is heard on the radio, the television, the spick-and-spanspaper, and all otherwise forms of media. In A persist New World, propaganda is not only forced on citizens through media, however also during sleep. At the time Huxley wrote his novel, a new technique of sleep learning had become popular. The technique hypnopaedia was an interesting concept but actually caused blackball behavior. Huxley used this in his novel as a form of government brainwashing. In A braw New World, those in pow er used sleep learning to instill their beliefs in the citizenry of capital of the United Kingdom (Clareson).This sleep learning is a type of non-rational propaganda. Huxley compares the two kinds of propaganda, rational and non-rational. Rational propaganda appeals to a persons own shell interest. Rational propaganda can only be used in a society where plenty have reason and morals. They could use the propaganda to rationalize what is in their best interest. Nevertheless in a society without reason or morals, what kind of propaganda is legal? Non-rational propaganda appeals not to any persons best interest, but to their emotions. The power to respond to reason and truth exist in all of us. On the other hand, unfortunately, does the tendency to respond to unreason and falsehoodparticularly in cases where the falsehood evokes some enjoyable emotion (Huxley 265). Huxley applies Hitlers rule that the behavior of the destinyes is not determined by knowledge, but by feelings and co ngenital drives. The propaganda in A Brave New World appeals to passion instead of reason (Clareson). Punishment is a powerful method of controlling any person.The fear of something that causes pain or unhappiness is usually an effective way to keep a person from rebelling. In The Giver, the fear of release or death unbroken all the citizens from breaking any rules. Even a simple mis interest could cost a life. When a pilot in training accidentally flew over the city, the elders comforted the citizens, Needless to put, he will be released (Lowery 21). The citizens in The Giver did not understand that release meant death, but they could comprehend that it was not a hungry(predicate) thing. In Lowerys novel, no one broke rules. When Jonas father looked at the name of a mishandle before the naming ceremony, Jonas was shocked. He could not believe his father had broken a rule. In 1984, some people were hanged for a crime. Thought Crime was punishable by death. The Thought Police co uld not bide everyones thoughts simultaneously, but if they came across a belief that did not align with the party, death was the result.However creation execution is not the only form of death in 1984. Disappearances were a common occurrence passim the novel. Often those guilty of thought crimes just disappeared. All records of their existence were erased, and the Party attempted to remove all memories of them through figure of speech think (Orwell). Huxley takes a completely different approach in his novel. pastime is the underlying to controlling the citizenry in A Brave New World. A review of the book states, Pleasure is the most powerful motivator of man (Clareson). Research has proven that rewarding good behavior is to a greater extent effective than punishing wrong behavior. Where the citizens in 1984 are controlled by fear of punishment, the citizens in A Brave New World are controlled by reinforcing desirous behavior. The important tools used by the government to po se society are sex and Soma, a drug used by all citizens in the novel. The peoples awareness is suppressed to the point that the World Controller refers to them as nice tame animals.They sacrificed their broad(a) future for the pleasure of the moment. If a citizen disagreed with the government in A Brave New World, they would be given soma and through sleep learning be retaught the importance of government and their place in society (Huxley). The government fundamentally brainwashes its citizens to keep them ignorant of anything other than what they need know. Knowledge is a valuable thing. If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and will never bethe people cannot be effective without information. Where the press is free, and everyone is able to read all is safe (Huxley). One important factor in controlling a large group of people is limiting his or her knowledge and resources. In 1984, the government uses a new form of speaking called news speak. N ewspeak is a simplify version of the truth. The problem with this is when things are simplified we do not get the full version of the truth instead we get a prepossess form of it. In 1984, the government controls information allowing only what reflects well on them to be released.Dont you see the whole aim of newspeak is to narrow the range of thought (Orwell). Lowery also shows a limitation of knowledge in her novel. In The Giver, the elders censor their peoples language, emotions, and behaviors. Only the Giver and Receiver are allowed access to books and memories. The citizens in this novel are childlike in their understanding of things (Hanson). They literally have a limited vision and no way to think for themselves, or to make decisions without the Givers help. Taking away knowledge is a powerful thing and dangerous thing. Who controls the past, controls the future who controls the present controls the past (Orwell 32). History and memories are essential to a society. When citi zens forget the past it numbs the entire citizenry. In 1984, the government constantly changes the past so it portrays them in a better light. The party is at war with Eurasia therefore it always has been at war with Eurasia (Eternal vigilance).Double think is a form of thinking manufactured by the government in Orwells novel. To double think is to have two contrary beliefs and believe both of them, while only expressing one. Orwells main character Winston knows when something is a lie, but has no evidence to controvert it. He says, The pasthad not however been altered, it had been destroyed (Orwell 33). In The Giver, only the Giver himself and Jonas the Receiver are allowed access to the history of their city. Upon discovering the outside world and time Jonas says, Im sorry sir. I dont know what you mean when you say the whole world or generations before him. I thought there was only us. I thought there was only now. Before becoming the Receiver, Jonas like all the others in hi s community only tacit the here and now. To them everything outside of their own city simply was elsewhere (Lowery 56). When Jonas does discover his peoples past, he longs for a different future knowing that there was more to life then what was offered by his elders. perception is an essential part of a human being. In these dystopian novels, emotion is either used as a tool for the government or completely eliminated from society. In 1984, negative emotions are used to create a common enemy among the people. Every day, all citizens were required to participate in the two proceeding hate. During this time, they focused on an enemy of The Party and exhibited very animalistic behavior (Orwell 5). They also trained children from a very young age making Party minions. Winston describes his neighbor Parsons, a man of paralyzing stupidity, a mass of imbecile enthusiasm- one of those completely unquestioning devoted drudges on whomthe stability of The Party depended (Orwell 22). Lowery ins tead of victimization emotions, tried to completely suppress them. In The Giver, there is no such thing as color, love, or joy. Jonas world is dependent of content people who ask few questions and see no need for change.Their lives are planned for them spouses are picked out and children are applied for. All these monumental decisions are made by the council of elders. Jonas is accustomed to a life of sameness. Upon turning twelve and becoming the Receiver, Jonas lackluster world transforms into a vivacious new place. The memories given to him allow Jonas to experience love and warmth. I like the feeling of lovebut I can see that it was a dangerous way to live (Lowery 126). In The Giver, stirrings are toughened with a subduing drug. This represses any curiosity and imagination the young people have. Adults are also required to take medicine that eliminates their sexual desires (Henson). There is nothing beyond what is required and no desire for something more. In separately of th ese cautionary novels, there are uneducated people who have no desire to become informed. political relation has become so controlling that even history has been changed.Propaganda and emotions are only means to advance the government. self-direction is the price paid for stability, safety, and community. Their world did not become the desired utopia instead it became a dystopia. Websters dictionary defines dystopia as a place where people lead dehumanized and often fearful lives (Agnes). Liberty and freedom must be earned and guarded. Enlightened and empowered citizens must keep them alive. The dystopian life shown in these novels is only a threat if citizens allow their freedoms to be taken away. When citizens allow themselves to be uncaring and uninformed about their government, the ultimate price is freedom and liberty. These novels show that freedom is much to high a cost momentary contentment should never come at the expense of liberty.Works CitedAgnes, Michael, ed. Utopia. Websters New vocabulary and Thesaurus. Cleveland, Ohio Wiley Publishing Inc., 2002. Print. Clareson, Thomas P. The Classic Aldous Huxleys Brave New World. Extrapolation 3.1(Dec. 1961) 34-40. Rpt in Contemporary books Critisism. Ed. Carolyn Riley. Vol. 1. Detroit Gale Research, 1973. Literature Resource Center. Web. 23 January 2013. Eternal Vigilance. New Statesman 1996 1 June 2009 41+. Literature Resource Center. Web. 29 Jan. 2013. Hanson, Carter F. The Utopian function of memory in Lois Lowrys The Giver. Extrapolation 50.1 (2009) 45+ Literature Resource Center. Web. 23 January 2013. Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited. New York Harper Collins Publishers Inc., 2004. Print. Lowry, Lois. The Giver. New York dingle Laurel Leaf, 2002. Print. Orwell, George. 1984. Austin, TX Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1991. Print.